Soar Corowa will again host the GFA 20m Dual Seat Gliding Nationals in 2024 (17-25 February 2024)!

Known locally as “The Corowa Gliding Club”, Soar Corowa is a new gliding enterprise – operating through the GFA affiliated Murray Valley Soaring Club. Building on the traditions of the original gliding club at Corowa Aerodrome, Soar Corowa was established in 2022.

Soar Corowa recently hosted the GFA 20m Dual Seat Gliding Nationals 2023 (18-25 February 2023) — checkout the event’s Facebook page!

While Soar Corowa is currently working to set up a fully operational gliding club at Corowa, we already offer a range of facilities and services for visiting pilots and gliding enthusiasts.

The airfield is a second home to the Mt Beauty Gliding Club’s Sunday flying – check out their website for information on gliding activities at Corowa and opportunities for flying.